Friday 27 January 2012

Voice over and Diologue Sound

Today I brought my laptop into school so that we could work on recording some of the voice overs and diologue incaset he camera hasn't picked up the sound as well as we want - which we aware is an issue as the sound quality in the cameras aren't perfect.
We didn't record all of them, so by monday we will probably finish this and start doing a rough edit.

In the mean time, we will also have a look at the Studios we have premission to use. We'll have to get a basis which can create a various issue of atmopshere, whilst relating to topic at hand and genre - this could also be included to the rough cut eventually.

1 comment:

  1. You need to make sure that when you are recording the dialogue/ voice-over your actors are reasonably near to the microphone and that you have a minimum of background noise. If you need to alter the quality of the voice or add ambient/ diegetic sound, you can do that afterwards
