Sunday 8 January 2012

Edit to Prop List

Reece managed to sort out some of the clothing today and some of the props such as a police badge that we are to use in the film; he's also manged to gather equiment such as the torch.

At the present time, we still need to gather images of other props such as mug, recorder, Ryan's clothing and Sophie's clothing (yet we are still looking for a female actor) - yet this is one of the complications we had primarly, getting a suit. We decided also, since in the script of Ryan being attacked - not stabbed - we imaged a blunt object. At the moment we are considering a bed post, it could add to the mise en scene of regional representation, a common murder weapon and go against the steryotype of police further, however we are also considering a baseball bat and how that would reflect the piece.

We are also having an issue of a knife, at the moment we will investigate in to what we can do with the police, failing this we will get a fake knife and view what it will look like on camera and failin this option Reece has suggested this piece of kitchen equitment:

though I feel this is a last resort as the two opportunitys above must be explored first before we make any decesions as reality of this piece I feel is important.

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