Saturday 7 January 2012

Prop List

Last night, as a group we had a long talk about what we needed to do for our pre-planning, what we had to keep and change about our project, idea and how or why we were doing it. At the moment, we have not aquired all of the props we need, mostly costumes and accessories for mise en scne, but Reece is already out this evening looking for some and has found a suit to play as Nick, our detective.
At this exact moment, our prop list is as follows
- Nick's clothing (interogation: suit - attack: hood / long coat and hat)
-Ryan's clothing, two sets for the time stages
-Red dress or clothing for our women actor to represent traditional female roles to dress so and also lust
-police badge
-baseball bat or something similar
-fake blood

My main worry is of the knife as at that stage we will be shooting in a public area, will we get a fake or a real one? Would fake harm the realitiy of our piece? How would we go about with a real knife? - of course if that were so, we would have to contact the police and ask for guidence as if we were to be spotted, seen or stopped by police for shooting in a public area, posession of a knife would leave to use being arrested. Would a fake one cause the same out come?
Or could we replace the knife with something else within our script yet?

A current issue we have also found is finding a blond, female actor to represent the beauty and lust continuing with the ambsolble of her mise - en - scene, I have currently asked soemone to do it but have not had a reply yet, where as Barry and Reece insist that it is not important and that I should act. However, I feel differently due to the females that are seen in a thriller, most commonly they are blonde, such as in The Departed, and since recently watching, Oceans Thirteen, even SWORDFISH insists this is the ingredint to the film of thriller as 'the pretty blonde one gets it' - I feel it would add to our representation of the weakness of the female gender and thus reflect yet another representation in our piece.

Another thing we will need from the script is something that plays music, as I had added diagetic 'rap' music to represent the area and the culture that are inhabitted there, such examples can be seen from television police programs such as The Bill and gang films where the area turns 'gritty' music that is steryotypically related to a ethincity or region is insituated.

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