Saturday 7 January 2012

Shot Log

Number of Shot
And camera angle
What’s in the shot
Who has filmed the shot
What props have been used (continuity)
What is the actor wearing (continuity)

As apart of our pre-planning, we are going to all areas to remove the possibility of continuity errors or as in our last project, missing clips. On day of shooting, we will have several of these printed so that we can log each shot, what scene, who did it and in what condition it was in, and for reference later number the shots we take as we go along.
This will also come to aid, if for example, we had to shoot the next day incase anyone had to leave for emergancy and we would know where we had left off in clothing and what was were. For extra tacts, I am thinking of taking my camera or using my phone to take pictures of our current posistion to work from if that were to happen or if we had to suddenly stop.

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