Saturday 7 January 2012

Actor Script

A problem I found with the script Reece wrote was that it actually wasn't a full script and detailed too much on the specifics of the senario, and shots we were going to use; whilst that is ideal it is not for the actual script. So I went and re-wrote it and this will be the one that is handed to the boys and our third actor when we come to shoot. Also, because thsi one is more simple and easier to follow, we can use it whilst editing so we know we have everything in the correct place.
Another thing I did was remove the amount of diolouge which was in the first draft as I felt there was a lot that wasn't needed and thought ambience of silence and sound is more effective within a thriller. The Dark Knight for example barely uses diologue - it is mostly action, where as one could argue my motive against SWORDFISH,  I feel for what our project is this would be far more effective.

1 comment:

  1. A little hard to read - I would try to increase the resolution.
