Thursday 19 January 2012


So we started filming the previous night, the 17th december from 3:20pm until 6:15pm and got all of the interrogation scene done. We ran into a few problems, particularly with the camera running out of memory twice, so we had to transfer clips to my memory stick then delete them from the camera - though at first we didn't realise how to do this and took a huge chunk out of our filming time.
The area we used grew dark quickly, so we had to use light as an aid which we had written into the script and storyboard (we choose not to say what we used direactly) however it worked brilliantly! On the film while shooting we could see that the camera was picking up Barry in a lovely shot glow and when we got it right, Reece was casted in black.
Here are some of our shooting shots:

We like this one, purely because of the invision of light, and prophase in hind sight should have done a point of view shot from Barry's presepctive to capture Reece in such a light.

As you can see, whilst we can see Reece well in the light, the camera is picking him up obsecured and the light in a blur, which is again perfect to work with as it corrosponds with our idea.

This is an example of our scene, we had to adjust the ilght to get it at the right cast angle and glow for our shoot. We were sort of worried about the curtains, but when looking back on the video they were very rarely picked up, and only a few of the shots got a grain feature to it - though we can probably fix this when we later come to editing.
This spot was ideal as we were close to plugs also, though I am sure we caught them in the camera now and then.

This is scene rehersuel.

This is me whilst operating the camera to see if the light the camera was picking up was too strong, too light or too dull and the frame of the shot - we at this stage also figured out the 180 degree line, so the camera was always on that side of the table also.

This is again one of the established shot of how the camera would be picking up light and tracking shadows so that we did not cast on Barry.

We were in an ideal location, we had everything but food, though that did not come as a problem at any stage of the shoot.
Here is an example of the light the camera picked up - there is as huge difference between Barry's iphone (having more megapixeals) and the camera.

We decided to shoot all in one night as we worried about continuity if we had to come back later, such as posistion in the room (as we could not keep it in that order) and thought if we had the oppotunity that night, then why not? The interrogation scene is the largest amount of footage through the film, though it was suprising how long it took and the multiple shots we took.
The master shot we did of all the interrogation lasted 30 minutes all together, but does mean however we have plenty of footage to later select from - we've learnt from our last project as we were anxious, worried yet confident of what we were doing from angles to coninuity and types of shot - whilst developing I was also continously thinking of editing stages.

We will shoot the flashbacks later next week.

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