Wednesday 11 January 2012

Gathered More Props

We considered the props for attacking the character Ryan from Nick, at the moment we have been considering using a bed post, but there is also the aviability to an actual baseball bat, so we need to decide which would be better within the mise en scene as a group, what would reflect the reprsentation of our chracter nick or example? Would a baseball bat or a bed post reprsent his class, due to avaibility.

Seen as we already have Nick's suit for the interrogation scene, we need another set of clothing which will represent not only the time change adn area, but also the character as a 'second persona' in a way, thus reflecting the region and class as compared to the suit - jeans and jacket clothing like this would represent a normal class whilst the suit would represent upper class - the ideal of keeping black always keeps Nick in the power of authority withint he opening scene which is important to establish.

So far we've had not set of clothes for Ryan and this is Barry's on his prop list. It's important to ntoe that Ryan will now only have 1 pair of clothing to show that there is a continous time frame between the interrogation and the flashbacks - we will do this by having fake blood upon Ryan from when he is attacked to show this. The representation of these clothes in comparsion to Nick needs to be addressed - whilst Ryan is wearing dark clothes (that would corrospond and represent traditional male roles), the clothing is not as dark as Ryan's, thus showing that Ryan maintains the power throughout our clip. Also, Ryan's clothing will represent a domesic, urban and lower class representation of the character which in turn contrasts Nick once again.

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