Tuesday 1 November 2011

Working On A Script

Today we wrote a script in our group, today:
The Job Interview
Guy 1: *walks in corridor, then enters a room and sits down*
Employer: *Looks up from paper* Oh, hello there –
Guy 1: Henry Turple *offers hand to shake*
Employer: SO! *shuffles papers* why do you think you are appropriate for this position?
Guy 1: I’m well organized, flexible and willing to adapt to any situation – I’ve worked in IT designations before; efficient and workable in team situations also. I’ve owned my own personal company…
Employer: *nods* ah, good. What would you say is your strongest ability?
Guy 1: *Strokes hair* My hairrrr – he seems to be unsure.
Employer: Well then, some more, personal, questions now. What would you say is your favourite Star Wars film?
Guy 1: What?
Employer: Star Wars – which is your favourite?
Guy 1:…erm…the phantom menace?
Employer: *jumps up from his seat* WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU MAN! *grabs card and inspects it* HENRY TERPULE, GOOD GOD MAN WERE YOU INBRED?
Guy 1: I, I! *tries to pull away!* I’m sorry, I’m sorry! What about the attack of the clones!
Guy 1: I’m sorry, I’m sorry!
Employer: *calms himself down* Right, then, sorry about that…Well then, who shot first, Han or Gredor? There is only one right answer…
Guy 1:...G-gre-green who?
Employer: HAN! HAN! HAN! HAN! HAN! HAN! HAN! HAN! HAN! *silence*
Guy 1:…*is sat back in chair with dumbfounded face and re-positions his shirt*...oh, oh right.
Employer: I’m sorry, but unfortunately you don’t fit the skills of this position, good day sir.*very serious*
Guy 1: Oh right then, thank you very much. *walks out of room and crumples to knees* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

We decided to make it something more commical as it will work better with the shot/reverse shots and that we could already see our selves falling within a rut: we were thinking of being serious again. Because our first project was rather serious when we had no direaction to work with, and the presioner seriously was, we decided to just put a little spin on things so we get used to working with other subjects, also.

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