Monday 28 November 2011

Regards to Last Video Project

I haven't yet had a chance to explain our last project: the contiunity project.

First of all, we focused in a lot on sound and mise en scene. As recently posted, we wrote a script that looked at a comedic interview, as comedy is good for revese shots which are used for dialouge. With that, we attempted to find a place that would best suit our theme in the project.
Reece found a office within school; but there was immediate problems.
The space was too small for an over shoulder shot / reverse shot and we couldn't move anything because it was just as awkward. Since I was manning the camera I told the lads, who said just as long as we worked within the 180 line it should be fine. So I went along.

We hit another major problem with it came to editing though; most of the parts hadn't been done.
At the time of shooting, I hadn't been given a script and we didn't have any spairs so I didn't know what was meant to be said direactly following each other, meaning it was left to Barry and Reece to tell me what shot we were doing and what came after.
When we came to editing however, several of the clips weren't there and in the end we had to sort of 'bung' up what we had because it didn't follow the script anymore.

Though, apart from this a great deal of the project went well.
Because our mini theme within the theme was centrelled around star wars, we added a sting towards the very end of the clip when we edited, it 'noo' from darth vader in star wars. We thought this was good and rather comedic as it fades to black and their is a constant gain on the end also.

Before this, we had a fade in fade out, where Barry comes out of the interview.
Although before the very last clip, the interview appeared over, Reece was insistant that we fade in fade out to show that time changed; though I didn't see why exactly.

1 comment:

  1. I think the crucial thing to think about here is planning and scouting to make sure that youc an shoot what you need to shoot! You also need to make sure you are well-prepared for your shoot. At the very least, have a call sheet and shot list in order to "tick off" the shots you need; this should be linked to a storyboard and annotated "production copy" of your script. In the main, yours was an idea which worked well in terms of the script but lacked finish.
