Monday 24 October 2011

Thinking About Techniques

Okay, I think one of the things that annoys me when I'm in a group shooting a film is control of the camera. I desperately want that professionl edge in my work, but unfortuantly would never get a steadicam - so I think I have another idea.
Make one.
I found a video:
I think something like this could work however if I can work out how to counter weight the camera. So I emailed Mr Earl and asked the make of camera, went on amazon, looked at the makes and I think I found it. Our camera that we use should weigh around 262g which is about 0.6 pounds. Me and my dad are going to try to make one and are trying to figure out the design, we'd need a M6x1 thread we think and we need to figure out how to work out the counter weight and design and pivot - we need to work how the pivot and handle will work. I will attempt to make this over the week holiday but failing this, there was another video on youtumbe where if you loosen one screw on a leg on a tripod it also makes a counter weight - I couldn't  believe it when I seen it.
Even if we could just improve those shots slightly, it would be brilliant and everything's worth a shot.

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