Monday 7 November 2011

Script Update

We decided on friday that we would edit the script and make it more as though it was an interview. Whilst Barry and Reece were working on this as well as my input, I was drawing the storyboard which will be scanned and uploaded today.
It took a while to figure out what we were going to do - we wanted to do something more commical as we could see already that we were getting into a comfort zone of doing violent and dramatic things. Whilst their all good, we need to widen our porfoilo, and what better than comedy for a shot/reverse shot?
I'm not sure how the star wars thing began, though, it is intresting and it certaintly seems like its going to roll out like paridoy. Hopefully we will start shooting today, if not tomorrow or some time this week so we can start editing next week.
We haven't quite yet found a location, so we're working on that. We need somewhere were we can be quite vocal and loud, and yet have a respective sense of mise en scene as its supposedly an interview.

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