Monday 13 February 2012

Titles / Additons to squence

Considering that our rough cut had no titles, idents or logos of the sorts, we knew exactly what we were going to do, yet hadn't go around to creating them. We already made the logo (DynamiteKittystudios panther) and decided that we would choose Warner Brothers (in reference to other thrillers such as the dark knight) and were positive that we would have black and white, simple titles - Sword Fish (name), Casino Royal etc. ''Though, really, why have titles?'' we thought at the same time, considering that The Dark Knight particularly lacked anything but the connotation of the symbol of the films content.
Though, we though that titles would work best, but we didn't want to just 'fade in' and 'fade out' the normal way - we basicaly did that just with a side wipe from Adobe After Effects. These are just trails and yet have to be decided if we are going o use them, what we may still need and if we need to make them shoter/longer; thus we are due for a group discussion.

Fisrstly, we didn't like the spinning annimation that I made for our logo so I did something a little more individual and unique:
Orginally, I was trying to do something else, but due to several mistakes and a whole lot of confusion I instead created this - which I like a considerable ammount more than what I was trying to do and the spinning logo. It's 'artys' and unique - black and white also. Though, I think in the alternitive 'master rough' (the most recent edition of the film) that I had made it several seconds longer, also: but this establishes the idea. This was created through several points of layering (black layer, object layer and two copy layers with different effects for the transdendent fade between the draw, fill and glow).

Secondly, since we were mostly done with the titles, I thought I'd have a crack on peicing it altogther to get a jist of what it would look like - idents, logo and credits in all (I even placed music as it is yet decided whether we want music or silence; however I don't think it works):
We created these ones in school together by using composed linar wipes that we had to tweak so it would wipe left to right and out again, basically like the revealing method; simple yet effective as its hardly ever seen. Personally, I feel these titles are too long and need shorthning, however we need to decide what we are doing on a group decision so in the mean time this is the rough.

Finally, I decided to piece it all together as though it was the rough cut orginally (well, if it had included idents, logo, credits and titles) - of course none of the corrections have been made in this version (this is the orginal rough cut, however work is under way):
We all had a discussion abotu the title at the end particularly, we decided we wanted it at the end to conclude or ''sum up'' what happens in our opening squence due to the transistions, the point of this may become confusing to the viewer as the ammount of jumps and cuts that are happening in this squence are in delicate order - we have to be careful with what order we establish, also as I feel sometimes we've wondered into a stylized edit of a trailer (however for now I believe we're safe). I think it's rather effective also how the music ends on the title, rather fitting to be exact, and I decided to but a cross transistion on, though I might just have a fade into the growing title. Whilst we were commented to possibly consider making it shorter so that it can be read, we all feel personally this speed is 'okay' yet is still to be decided. The fade at the end of the squence basically ties up all the lose ends, summerising the opening squence in its enterity - also leaving transistion as though the film was to continue.
Here you can see that I have left the titles as they were, also. This is because the piecing of the rough cuts, idents, logo, titles were all squenced on my main home PC (I didn't use my laptop, which we have been working from as it ran out of charge and I just wanted an enital look for what we were doing). These titles are not defiant - the whole space it takes up isn't nessicary, yet personally I think it works well in this style (Inception for example, had over a 1 min opening titles?) and I believe that if we were to do a hollow overlay with the text on the orginal film, it would divert away from the film itself and the opening - what we have learnt is black and white and individaul, keeping it seperate.

Personally, I think we're nearly there - we need to make a few tweaks (which we've already started e.g. the clipped end of the shot where Reece hits Barry and the crop posistion of it) but we still have to do it. If we all agree on the titles, then that's sorted - we need to consider music, for these also, if we are even going to use any; I think it would be worth another trip to secession studios to see if we can find any fitting music - yet I ponder upon the question of transisction between that soundtrack and that of the films? Either way, we'll have to have a talk as a group.

1 comment:

  1. I love the DK logo. The titling effect is good, but I would look at the order (producer is usually one of the last credits) and I would seed them through the sequence. Don't worry if you go over 3 mins.
