Friday 24 February 2012

Final tuning

I think we're almost there. Today we had a go at rearranging the titles, editing some of the trancisions and attempted to buffer out the sound a little bit more than we already had; though due to our working enviroment at school (which is extreamly loud) sometimes we can barely tell a difference. Litterly, we're just nit picking here to make sure everything as is near perfect as we can get it. Over some course of the weekend, I will attempt to sync all of the diologue up so that they all match with my Monster Beats (which couples sound in high defintion which will be far more distingusable to that of normal headphones) which in itself can be problemmatic. As I expressed in an earlier blog, we had a few issues with the soundtrack where we had to legthen it by nearly an extra minute and a bit - whilst we've tweaked with that we've also lowered the sound volume. The great, great thing about Adobe Elements 4 is that you can tweak things to (personally I believe) a finer detail than that of Premier Pro, on the timeline the yellow bar allows us to control brightness and on volume sound, moving the decabells up and down it either gives a positive count (which is extreamly loud and low quality) or a negative one (which is quiter and works better for our project). Because that is a vuage estmiate throughout sometimes, in the effects widget I can go to effects on the clip and select sound, typing in the frequency I want it to play our the decibles I want it at - I believe at the moment I have lowered it to -27D due to the loud climatic build in the soundtrack. The clips themselves are all on a -16D sound to buffer out a little bit of the fuzzy noise pick up; however due to range and legthen of shots this is proving a hard and pretty tedious task. In reality, it just needs some fine tweaking.

Title: basically we're going to change it. I never noticed until it was pointed out to us that we had a completely different font from the credits to the title, and never really linked to thought the different styles used. We're going to do to the title what we did to the credits, a simple negative left to right liner wipe, that is basically a little more unique fade (baring in mind we couldn't have anything flashy due to our genre). This will be done in Adobe after effects CS3 and unlike the orginal zoom and grow one, will litteraly take 3 minutes (not including render time).

Insitutions and logo. I was nearly in panic this morning as I forgot to get the sound for the Warner Bro's opening and the sound effect for our DynamiteKitty logo, so I got up early and went and downloaded them and fixed them on in tutor this morning with Reece and Barry;this just meant that we were further prepared four our lesson today also, and had ticked something important off the list. For our dynamiteKitty logo, we had a panther roar which I tweaked a little so it wasn't so abrupt as the orginal file was and fitted it just after the full image appeared from the trace and sketch annimation I created.

Overall, it's just fine tunning from here for the video itself, but in reality we have yet to consider making of and commentary, but its a good thing we've pretty much got representation sorted out - espically as we've considered it all along.

I will probably upload our current video some point over the weekend to show the tweaks we have made. I will also probably make a video that will run both our current and first draft to show changes that we have made, to compare and contrast why and what we have done also.

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