Wednesday 8 February 2012

Sound Expermintation

We've now hit the half way mark through team viewer, reaching one minute, so we've been messing around with the soundtrack. Here's some samples:
There's a few things that I'm unsure of in this one. Firstly the transistion between the present and flashback, we have used a soft glow yet I'm not too keen on it and thinking about other ways in which we can do that. On the flashback also, we have a sound effect, yet I think it is extremely unneeded as we have a soundtrack (the other examples don't have a soundtrack). I think there's a few things to go over with still as some of the shots are a bit funny such as the man - you can see the drapes and the quick cut away shot I feel its just too quick, but we'll review it later.

Sample 2:
I don't actually thing the soundtrack has worked on this one - will have to ressample tomorrow, but you can basically get a guage of the sound as we've removed a lot of the fuzzyness.

Sample 3:
(This one has worked) Personally I prefer this one far much more than the others, I feel its the right tone and dramatic sense within it, in this one we removed the flashback transistion as it was just to me, far too obvious and extremely clesay, I love the build up in this one particularly during the flashbacks - though I think we have to be careful as this has that type of trailer soundtrack that people normally anticipate - our film will have to be extremely delicate.

Sample 4:
Whilst I like the opening to the soundtrack for the present, I aboslutely loathe the rest of the soundtrack on the flashback personally, it just feels too amuteristic, over dramatic - however we could cut away to another soundtrack.

We'll have a dicussion about it tomorrow and decide what soundtrack we're doing and how we are goign to transcend between flashbacks.

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