Sunday 5 February 2012

Editing Shots

We didn't think the quality of our shots were brilliant, mostly because of us shooting in low lighing, so I used contrast and brightness effects in adobe elements 4 to mess around with the image to see what kind of style we could get out of it - ulimately we made it darker and the colour that was there mroe definitive, as for example:



(as you can see from changing this shot, very little is now shown of Reece and darkness is greatly deep and compares against the lighting from the side, glowing unlike the other - doing this also removed some of the grain)



This is only a test and I'm not yet adding it to the video as I need a point of control on the darkness and brightness used, if I were to do it individually at the first stage, I can't work out the volumes that are used; when it's finished I'll link it all as one video and mess around with the contrast settings to get the quality and style that we want.

I think in a way, we're taking a gamble as some of the films we looked at were stark - but in another sense we're adding a stylized and more quality into the shot, I think it could work, ulitmately we're making it dark and most of the films we anlysed were dark for the thrillers.

1 comment:

  1. Considering you are doing a thriller, is it worth looking at making it look more film noir and make it black and white with quite stark contrast (again, linking back to the opening of Casino Royale). This would also link to your use of voice-over, which is a generic convention of film noir (e.g "Double Indemnity").
