Thursday 9 February 2012

Samples of other music we might use

Because we haven't ulitmately decided what music we're going to fully use yet, we decided that it was also best to look at the other types of music that I did not include in the samples as we may come to work it in later.

This one particularly, the beginning and where the chords grow in tempo, I feel as though this would fit in sort of well during the flashbacks, then again due to its 'up beat' tone I feel as though it simply wouldn't work either, creating the wrong tone and atompshere for the piece - though it is still considerable and most defiantly worth playing around with the soundtrack.

Again talking about flashbacks, I feel the first few seconds of the beginning would have worked perfectly, but then the music burts into lyrics, a faster tempo and grows in dynamic sound also, which is unsuitable for any of this film - yet those first few seconds are so simple for the piece that it would have worked. Otherwise, it creates the wrong atmopshere, it doesn't fit our genre and therefore there is really no point in trying to use it; but it was one of our variables on the table, however. However around 1:44 the dynamic sound lacks for a little while, yet at the present one of our flash-back squences is 30 seconds long - the film time simply out runs that of the sound.

Orignally Reece suggested this piece for the flashbacks, which I would agree with as it has that dramatic, puzzling tone of it - yet I still feel it doesn't fit within our thriller correctly for us to use it, its just simply too somber and only too shortly picks up in dynamics. For the opening, the tense 'who killed her!' twist we have going on, just wouldn't fit the seriousness of the situation.

Considering all of this, I think from the samples I did yesterday, the third that I produced (saved as ''copy 3'') is the best simply because it is shaped well with the film and produces the correct tone and atmosphere that is needed within the thriller genre, but also the dramatic situation in the piece. The thing is, also with this type of music is that they are mostly, in ways, tralier music - yet we can work around that if we lay the clip out correctly.
Either way, we're still deciding, and at the current time it looks as if our flash-backs are just only going to be silent and not have voice overs, with reducing the decoble output whilst editing, we remove the fuzz, what could be done later is when I render it in HD, that I could go back to the orginal file and take the sound only from the HD save, insert it back in and increase the decebel output - which I have tried. We thought that it would harm the quality of the sound, but suprisengly it made it better. If that doesn't work however or we feel as though we want to go down another path with that, we have two options:
1. Record all of the voices and include voice overs
2. Use sound system software to remove the fuzz and make it clearier.

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