Tuesday 29 November 2011

Music For Final Piece

Last night I'd already hopped on looking at what we could do for our final piece in media. Whilst I was exploring titles in both crime and horror scenes, me and Reece were talking over Facebook of what we were going to do. We decided anyway, we'd most likely do a crime / horror or 'serious' video as compared to our last which is a comedic out turn.
Whilst we'll have to do this, we'll have to also research into the genre and production companies and what's popluar too. For that I was thinking of going to a city or even the metro centre one day of the weekend and asking people via video on my blackberry playbook what they would watch genre wise and produce a video of it (with we choose horror particularly I'd look into lionsgate).
Reece started to look at sound and found this pretty quickly which I was seriously impressed with:

taken from - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeEDQMLtyGY
We're also aware of copyright issues in this final project so Reece emailed ''info@thesecessionstudios.com'' and got this reply:

"Hi Reece, Feel free to use my music in your academic projects. I don't charge students a fee to use my music I just ask that it be attributed to http://thesecessionstudios.com if possible. If you decide to use my music for personal, non academic projects, I usually negotiate a very small license fee depending on your budget. About 5% of what I charge for mainstream production use.

Take care,

Monday 28 November 2011

Regards to Last Video Project

I haven't yet had a chance to explain our last project: the contiunity project.

First of all, we focused in a lot on sound and mise en scene. As recently posted, we wrote a script that looked at a comedic interview, as comedy is good for revese shots which are used for dialouge. With that, we attempted to find a place that would best suit our theme in the project.
Reece found a office within school; but there was immediate problems.
The space was too small for an over shoulder shot / reverse shot and we couldn't move anything because it was just as awkward. Since I was manning the camera I told the lads, who said just as long as we worked within the 180 line it should be fine. So I went along.

We hit another major problem with it came to editing though; most of the parts hadn't been done.
At the time of shooting, I hadn't been given a script and we didn't have any spairs so I didn't know what was meant to be said direactly following each other, meaning it was left to Barry and Reece to tell me what shot we were doing and what came after.
When we came to editing however, several of the clips weren't there and in the end we had to sort of 'bung' up what we had because it didn't follow the script anymore.

Though, apart from this a great deal of the project went well.
Because our mini theme within the theme was centrelled around star wars, we added a sting towards the very end of the clip when we edited, it 'noo' from darth vader in star wars. We thought this was good and rather comedic as it fades to black and their is a constant gain on the end also.

Before this, we had a fade in fade out, where Barry comes out of the interview.
Although before the very last clip, the interview appeared over, Reece was insistant that we fade in fade out to show that time changed; though I didn't see why exactly.

Friday 25 November 2011

Finished Continuity Project

Here we have finished a render of our final continuity project video. I will later update in a new post feedback and analysis of this clip.

Sound Finished!

Today we finished the sound completely. We added the darth vader sound 'NO!' from youtube - previous post - and placed it at the end of the clip, with a constant gain at the end so that it fades out when the titles begin. We checked all the sound before this aswell, there are a few pieces that we wish we could take out, but is too close to dialoguge that it would be noticable. Since we finished titles the other day, we added 'don't you forget about me' on the titles at the end. Whilst it was the only full song we had to our creativity, we decided that it would be a good sting or incidental sound, but we're not exactly sure as it is only there to add to the comedic value of our piece. At the end of this also, we added a constant gain so that it faded out just after the titles.
We also thought it was rather comedic as it is meant to be a 'sting' I suppose it is mocking Darth Vader; as we used the sound source.

I will soon upload the final video of our contunity project.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Darth Vader


Seeing as our newest project was a conuinity project, we decided to create a 'spoof' interview which was inspired by star wars to work in the camera shots / reverse shots. Having several references to star wars, we decided to hopefully hit a string of comedic laughter if we added the Darth Vader 'No!' from star wars at the end. I've finally obtained it through youtube.

We're nearly done, all that remains is making sure the sound is okay, despite the few issues we have from the project, but we need to be sure that it is working probably when we render this time also, as last time we had some issues.
We'll add in sound tomorrow and produce the final project tomorrow.

Monday 21 November 2011


I made the steadicam by creating a gimble which pivotes the stem for the camera. The bottom has 2 nuts which will tighten on weights that equalize and balance the camera when it is sat on the thread, meaning when I walk about it should balance out the weight and be more smooth in shots.
These types of shots would be brilliant for follow, point of view, travels, pans even but it all depends on how smooth the shot is however.
I did test it, and found that it still wobbled slightly, meaning it possibly needs more weight from the pendlum action on it; that probably needs tigthened up.
But in my next project, however, I will try to use my little piece of steadicam for the project shots and even create 2 shots which I will create for comparsion in quality of shots.

Friday 18 November 2011

Nearly completed Editing

After shooting on the 7th of November some time ago, we have been on way with editing. In fact all of the clips are alinged in order and now just needs our last final touch of sound effect.
I also need to make an opening which I will produce in adobe after effects some point before next friday.

I'm not enteriely happy with what we have produced as to me it doesn't resmeble conunituy very well. Reece scouted the location and found a small office which was extreamly hard to shoot within and we found it was hard to manouver and get the shots we had planned. The boys weren't careful with being aware how they were doing their shots, either, but it will have to do.

Monday 7 November 2011

Script Update

We decided on friday that we would edit the script and make it more as though it was an interview. Whilst Barry and Reece were working on this as well as my input, I was drawing the storyboard which will be scanned and uploaded today.
It took a while to figure out what we were going to do - we wanted to do something more commical as we could see already that we were getting into a comfort zone of doing violent and dramatic things. Whilst their all good, we need to widen our porfoilo, and what better than comedy for a shot/reverse shot?
I'm not sure how the star wars thing began, though, it is intresting and it certaintly seems like its going to roll out like paridoy. Hopefully we will start shooting today, if not tomorrow or some time this week so we can start editing next week.
We haven't quite yet found a location, so we're working on that. We need somewhere were we can be quite vocal and loud, and yet have a respective sense of mise en scene as its supposedly an interview.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Working On A Script

Today we wrote a script in our group, today:
The Job Interview
Guy 1: *walks in corridor, then enters a room and sits down*
Employer: *Looks up from paper* Oh, hello there –
Guy 1: Henry Turple *offers hand to shake*
Employer: SO! *shuffles papers* why do you think you are appropriate for this position?
Guy 1: I’m well organized, flexible and willing to adapt to any situation – I’ve worked in IT designations before; efficient and workable in team situations also. I’ve owned my own personal company…
Employer: *nods* ah, good. What would you say is your strongest ability?
Guy 1: *Strokes hair* My hairrrr – he seems to be unsure.
Employer: Well then, some more, personal, questions now. What would you say is your favourite Star Wars film?
Guy 1: What?
Employer: Star Wars – which is your favourite?
Guy 1:…erm…the phantom menace?
Employer: *jumps up from his seat* WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU MAN! *grabs card and inspects it* HENRY TERPULE, GOOD GOD MAN WERE YOU INBRED?
Guy 1: I, I! *tries to pull away!* I’m sorry, I’m sorry! What about the attack of the clones!
Guy 1: I’m sorry, I’m sorry!
Employer: *calms himself down* Right, then, sorry about that…Well then, who shot first, Han or Gredor? There is only one right answer…
Guy 1:...G-gre-green who?
Employer: HAN! HAN! HAN! HAN! HAN! HAN! HAN! HAN! HAN! *silence*
Guy 1:…*is sat back in chair with dumbfounded face and re-positions his shirt*...oh, oh right.
Employer: I’m sorry, but unfortunately you don’t fit the skills of this position, good day sir.*very serious*
Guy 1: Oh right then, thank you very much. *walks out of room and crumples to knees* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

We decided to make it something more commical as it will work better with the shot/reverse shots and that we could already see our selves falling within a rut: we were thinking of being serious again. Because our first project was rather serious when we had no direaction to work with, and the presioner seriously was, we decided to just put a little spin on things so we get used to working with other subjects, also.