Monday 5 December 2011

Looking At Producing Studios

So, as part of our research - for how our genre works, popluarlity and marketing by other producers - we firsted looked at lionsgate and decided against it. Quickly, from looking on the wiki page of The Dark Knight (one of the openings we are going to look at), the producer was WarnerBros.
Immediately we went onto the WB website and began looking at recent films of this year. Straight away, we found 3 that were a crime or thriller; either way relating to our genre. Tomorrow we'll look more in depth to the producer then begin researching Warner Bro's and some other crime/thriller openings.

As part of our research, also, we are arranging within the next few weeks to either the metro centre or Durham city to go and do a survery with people. What would be ideal is to film people's responses, but of course people may act badily to this or we may get in trouble, so instead we may create a questionier to find the genre's which people prefer most and what they would watch.

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