Monday 10 October 2011

Camera Movement

Whilst we interputated a small theme throughout the video, this second project is purely dedicated to camera movement. In this, we took out around school and attempted shots as over head pan, down tilt, up tilt, zoom, reverse zoom, follow, point of view slow, point of view fast etc. Though it's interstin to note the first point of view - slow- we attempted to take the piece like a dolly; finding some kitchen dolly tray from the hall next to the corridor we were working in. Although it was pretty much insanely rocky half the time, it came out with some good effects still though; meaning we reached our point to some degree.
We even attempted a poor 'crane shot' that was simply not high enough up, although at time of the shot it seemed that; so I have also included it in this piece. Although that said, I had also spelt expirmental wrong on the shot; meaning this project could be improved - and that we should pay closer attention to editing.

We also did another project render of this, were Barry and Reece edited the film; they will later upload it.

Currently, we are scouting for locations for our first 'real' project and attempting to decide where would be the best location to shoot this. I will be shortly working on the story board as we plan it all out, also. Though we will be shooting towards the end of this week.

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