Sunday 4 March 2012

Nearlying finished / slightly annoyed

Granted I've been off this week and we've lost some time, we knew exactly what we had to do. Whilst Barry and Reece where in and had noticed that we needed to add the titles 'in associastion with -' etc, they told me that this had to be done; however I was annoyed due to the fact that to do these titles does not require our film at all because I had been doing the titles (and had shown them as well as themselves being taught in the beginning of the year how to do this) and they had access to this software for the three lessons at school which I had missed, thus they had relied on me later on, so I'm annoyed about that.

Other than that, I really don't think we have much left but to twist some of the titles again and possibly have a play around with the audio if the boys think its out of balance again.

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