Thursday 29 September 2011

Production Team Opening - Adapt

After we talked it over, we decided to see what we could do with the Dynamite Kitty Productions opening, consider the ending as a prototype that we'll certainly develop on later on.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Media Shots Project

This is the first project for the shots with Mr Earls media class. In this particular video, we have practiced a establishing shot, very long shot, long shot, medium shot, close up, extreme close up and two shot. These shots are all different and representing of how shots work, and how they can represent an individual e.g. a very long shot can show a character but not allow any physical details to become clear to the audience; making them want more or question the subject.
We, (me, Barry and Reece) have also introduced 'Dynamite Kitty studios' in this project.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Dynamite Kitty Productions Title

So, working as a group (me, Barry and Reece) decided that we would name our 'production studio' as 'Dynamite Kitty Studios' for now; however this could easily change in the process of the course.
For now, it is a simple and basic production that will be insituated with small projects such as shot type videos and practice shots and will be changed at the final piece at the very least.
The image of the kitten was masked in Sony Vegas 8 over the title squence 'Dynamite Kitty studios', rendered, imported into Adobe Premier Elements 4 and edited there.
In adobe, I added a guitar cover from the theme of the inbetweeners which is only tempory for projects and will later be replaced. I also introduced the fade in, the 'zoom' transition on the kitten and the whole piece at the end also.

For example, here is the opening to 'shot practice' were we study different shot types in media. Unlike the video, 'shot pratice' has been added over the top of the now imported video of 'dynamite kitty studios' with a title in Adobe Premier Elements 4, in different fotn and colour.
Each time our productions does something new, the presentation underneath will change.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Discovering The New

Greetings. I am Katie Boal, main editor as I would say as my role. Previously, I have been working with Reece Wilkins and Barry Stubbs, whom with I created a short experimental video that began my AS project in media; learning the various media shots and Adobe CS3 Premier Pro.
My resonablity in idea is to be aware constantly of what is at task, how shots should be made, how something should be edited etc.
I will soon be uploading mine, Reece's and Barry's efforts of our first video created in Adobe CS3 Premier Pro. This video will show our understanding of different media shots and the pratice we have begun, the title squence and editing itself in particular. All that's left to do is render.